where art and design align
le terra artisans
at your service
le terra artisans is led by artists with an eye for design and designers with an eye for art. We make custom visual art to complement your commercial, residential and hospitality projects. Our collaborative method offers in-the-moment modifications, ensuring that the artwork aligns with your design vision. Factoring in the nuances of your aesthetic, we bring both beauty and intrigue to interiors spanning from corporate offices to hotel suites. It is our mission to streamline the art curation process for designers while creating unforgettable moments that add appeal and character.
KNOW your style
Metal. Wood. Upholstery. There are so many options!
While your sense of style has no bounds, it is helpful to get a basic guideline of your preferences.
Having a clear, visual understanding of what you like most allows for you to manage the inventory of what is needed, what is wanted and how to prioritize your project.
Our style quiz will give you the clarity you need to hire us with intention.